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Communication Skills, 12 Effective Ways & Psychological Tips

by Talat Ali Shah
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Communication Skills, 12 Ways & Psychological Tips

Communication skills are the ability to effectively convey information, ideas, and thoughts through speaking, writing, body language, gestures, tone, and voice pitch. These skills play a vital role in personal and professional development. 

Why communication skills are important   

The importance of communication skills is related to why we communicate with each other. We communicate with each other to build relationships, share information, and express ideas. By using communication skills, we can effectively convey our message and understand others’ messages. Moreover, it can help build trust, resolve conflicts, and overcome diversity. Effective communication can also lead to better decision-making, problem-solving, and productivity in personal and professional settings. It also plays an essential role in our emotional and psychological well-being. For all these reasons, communication skills are necessary for our life.   

Why you need to improve communication skills:

The following are some reasons why communication skills need to be improved:

  • Building Relationships: It can help people effectively convey their thoughts and ideas, build and maintain relationships, and achieve personal and professional goals. On the other hand, Poor communication can make it difficult for a person to connect with others and maintain good relationships, leading to isolation and loneliness.   
  • Personal and Professional Image: Strong communication skills can also improve the personal and professional image. A person with strong and effective communication skills is perceived as more confident, trustworthy, and competent, which can lead to a more fulfilling professional and personal life. While lacking good communication skills can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, negatively impacting self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.   
  • Clear and Concise Communication: Good communication skills can able a person to speak more clearly and concisely. By being brief and to the point, the listener can focus on the essential details and retain the information better. It also shows that the speaker is well-informed and organized.   
  • Achieving Personal and Professional Goals: Good communication skills are crucial for achieving goals, whether they are personal or professional. It can help individuals achieve their goals by enabling them to build strong relationships, negotiate effectively, and collaborate with others, while poor communication can hinder an individual’s ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients, which can limit opportunities for advancement and success in the workplace.  
  • Highly demanding at the workplace: Effective communication skills are critical for success in today’s workplace. Communication skills are highly valued and required by businesses and organizations. In recruiting and promoting new employees and employees, many employers place a high priority on communication skills. Good communication skills can help a company improve its reputation and relationships and promote its products and services more effectively, leading to increased revenue and sales. 
  • Problem-solving: Good communication skills help resolve conflicts and negotiate effectively. It can also positively impact one’s mental and emotional well-being by reducing stress and promoting self-expression. When communication skills are lacking, misunderstandings can lead to ongoing tension and frustration and make it difficult for a person to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, leading to continuing stress and frustration.  

12 Effective ways to improve your communication skills   

Communication SkillsEffective communication is a vital skill that can make a big difference in your personal and professional life. Whether trying to build a better relationship or advance your career, polishing your communication skills can help you achieve your goals. Here are some effective ways to help you improve your verbal, nonverbal, visual, and written communication skills:  

  1. Try to become an active listener: Practising active listening is key to improving communication skills. It involves giving the speaker your full attention and understanding the perspective and meaning behind their words. It is essential to maintain eye contact, avoid distractions, repeat what you heard to ensure understanding, ask questions if you need clarification, avoid interrupting the speaker, and avoid planning your response while the person is speaking. One can better understand the speaker’s perspective and communicate more effectively by practicing active listening.   
  2. Use your body language effectively: The term body language refers to the nonverbal cues we use to communicate, such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact. A positive self-presentation can create a favourable impression and increase the likelihood of success in personal and professional interactions. People who use open body language, such as not crossing their arms or legs, keeping eye contact, smiling with their whole face, and maintaining a confident posture, are more likely to attract others and have fewer communication problems.   
  3.  Adapt and adjust communication style: It is an important aspect of effective communication to adapt and change your communication style to suit different situations and audiences. Context matters a lot in a situation, and it is necessary to be aware of this when communicating. So, when communicating with a superior in a professional setting, it may be appropriate to use a formal and direct communication style, while communicating with friends or family may be more informal and indirect. Additionally, when communicating with people from different cultures, it is crucial to be aware of cultural differences in communication styles and adjust accordingly.   
  4. Make a habit of reading and writing: These are effective tools to improve communication, and consistency is essential for establishing reading and writing as habits. Reading helps to improve vocabulary, comprehension, and the ability to process and analyze information. While writing helps to develop the ability to organize and express thoughts clearly and effectively. Try different styles and formats, like emails, reports, and social media posts, to take your writing skills to the next level. Focus on clear and concise writing.
  5. Speak confidently: It is an essential skill for anyone looking to excel in their personal or professional life. Speaking confidently makes a huge difference in your presentation, so be well prepared, research your topic, and be familiar with the material you will present. Practicing your speech or presentation beforehand will help you feel more comfortable and confident when delivering. Remember your strengths and skills before you speak, and focus on the positive aspects of your presentation or speech. A person’s confidence can be seen through posture, gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, and more. It’s important to be aware of and control these nonverbal cues to project confidence in communication. 
  6. Be prepared: Communication is more effective when you are prepared. So, try to be well-prepared for any communication situation and anticipate possible questions or concerns. Use visual aids such as graphs, charts, diagrams, images, videos, and infographics to help clarify complex information and make it easier to understand. By doing so, you will maintain the focus of your audience and create a lasting impression with your presentation. To keep the conversation on track and cover all essential topics, preparing an agenda or list of key points to discuss before a conversation or meeting is helpful. Additionally, it is beneficial to research relevant information beforehand, such as statistics or case studies, to help support your arguments and make your message more persuasive. Your preparation beforehand makes you feel more confident and prepared. It can increase self-esteem and decrease nervousness. Furthermore, it will help establish trust, create a positive impression on the audience, and enhance the speaker’s authority and credibility.    
  7. Be clear and concise: Being clear and concise is an important aspect of effective communication. So, use simple language, avoid unnecessary details and vague information, replace phrases with words, stick to the main topic, and ensure that your message is easy to understand and brief. It can save time and energy with minimal confusion and help listeners to stay focused and engaged.   
  8. Avoid filler words: Avoid using filler words such as: (um, oh, ah, er, or like) because these words can detract from the message being conveyed and portray the speaker as unprepared or uncertain. So, an excellent strategy to avoid filler words is to replace them with transition words. Try to identify those common filler words in your speech or writing and then replace them smoothly with some transition words to connect ideas, such as (“um, oh, ah, er,”) replaced with (“moreover,” “in addition,” “however,” “as a result,”) so on and so forth. You can also record yourself speaking or reading your writing aloud, paying attention to filler words, reviewing, and making changes to remove those filler words. Another strategy to avoid filler words is to take a “brief pause” before answering a question or giving a response. It can help you to organize your thoughts and speak more clearly.   
  9. Be respectful: It is essential to be careful about ethics. So, try to avoid interrupting others while they are speaking. Interrupting someone shows a lack of respect for the speaker, disrupts the flow of conversation, and can make it difficult for the speaker to convey their message effectively. Instead, allowing others to speak without interruption can create a more respectful and productive conversation and promotes effective communication. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of others’ emotions and feelings when communicating and avoid using language or making personal attacks that may be offensive or hurtful. You can promote effective communication and positive relationships by being mindful of ethics and avoiding interruptions and offensive language.   
  10. Take some courses: Some people find it helpful to take some short courses or attend workshops on communication skills to get more in-depth training and practice, as these courses provide a structured learning environment to develop communication skills. Classes can be specific or general, and online options are also available for flexibility.  
  11. Be consistent in practice: Practice is the best way to improve communication skills. Try to put yourself in different communication situations and practice the skills you want to improve. Remember, consistent practice leads to progress. The more you practice, the more comfortable and skilled you will become because, through repetition and constant effort, the brain becomes more efficient at performing a task, leading to increased proficiency and comfort.
  12. Take feedback: Seeking feedback can play an important role in improving your communication skills. Considering feedback from others can help you to pinpoint the areas that need improvement and take steps to address them. Furthermore, feedback can help you identify and capitalize on your strengths, enhancing your ability and making you confident to communicate more effectively. Be open-minded and receptive to feedback; take it as an opportunity to grow and develop your communication skills.  


Psychological tips to improve communication skills

Before going to some more solutions to improve communication, it is essential to be aware and acknowledge the existence of psychological barriers and consciously try to overcome them effectively. These barriers include insecurities, fear of rejection or criticism, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, emotional biases, cognitive biases, prejudices, assumptions, and past experiences or traumas. Being aware of these barriers and actively working to overcome them can significantly improve communication. Here are some tips to effectively handles these barriers.   

  • Practice Self-awareness and Mindfulness: Try to Understand your thoughts and emotions and how they influence your behaviour and communication. Do some practices such as meditation, journaling (which involves writing down thoughts and feelings for self-discovery, self-understanding, and self-reflection), and therapy or counseling to bring positive changes in your life. It will help you become more self-aware, manage stress and emotions, improve mental health, and facilitate personal growth. Make sure you find what works best for you, stick to it, and make it a regular habit.
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Be aware of negative beliefs or self-talk contributing to your insecurities or fear of rejection. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they are based on facts or assumptions, and reframe them more positively and realistically. It can help to reduce negative self-talk and increase self-esteem and confidence.   
  • Positive Self-talk: This strategy involves positively talking to yourself instead of criticizing or blaming yourself. Practicing self-compassion and positive self-talk can help boost your self-esteem, develop confidence, and improve your communication skills.   
  • Stay Calm and Composed: Keep your emotions in check and avoid becoming defensive or aggressive in your communication.   
  • Reframing: Instead of getting defensive or upset, try to reframe the situation in a way that allows you to see it from a different perspective. It can help you to gain a new understanding of the situation and respond more constructively.   
  • Build Rapport: Establish a positive and trusting relationship through rapport building by showing genuine interest, finding common ground, showing empathy, using similar language and body language, being honest and authentic, and building trust. It will lead to a more positive and productive communication environment and better problem-solving and decision-making.   
  • Engage your Audience: When it comes to communicating effectively and making your message memorable, it is essential to engage your audience by using techniques such as telling stories, asking questions, using visuals, and making connections. By actively listening and responding to feedback, you can create a sense of engagement, interest, and respect towards the other person, and you value their opinions and thoughts. It can build trust, increase understanding and enhance the overall quality of the relationship.
  • Emotional Intelligence: By using emotional intelligence and emotional regulation techniques, you can become more aware of your own emotional biases and the emotions of others. Mindfulness meditation and deep breathing are powerful techniques that can regulate emotions at the moment and ultimately help communicate more effectively.   
  • Manage Stress: It is essential to handle stress as it can obstruct clear thinking, concentration, and effective communication. To reduce stress and improve communication, practice stress management techniques like deep breathing excercise, meditation, and time management effectively. 
  • Avoid Assumptions and Prejudices: Avoiding assumptions and prejudices is essential for improving communication and fostering healthy relationships. An excellent way to avoid making assumptions and jumping to conclusions is to actively listen and seek to understand what the other person is telling you. By doing this, you can avoid making assumptions and accurately understand the other person’s point of view with an open mind and be willing to consider different perspectives. This can create a more positive and productive communication environment.   
  • Practice Assertive Communication: Practice expressing your goals, thoughts, feelings, and needs directly without being aggressive or passive. It will help you to minimize conflict and control anger.   
  • Seek Help: It is important to note that therapy or counseling is not only for people with psychological issues but also for anyone who wants to improve communication skills. A therapist or counselor can provide a safe and supportive environment to explore communication patterns, address any underlying issues impacting communication, and develop a personalized plan for improvement. A therapist can also help resolve past traumas, negative thought patterns, and other problems that may interfere with communication. They can also provide guidance and support for practicing and implementing new communication skills and techniques, provide feedback and help identify areas that need improvement.  

Communication skills play a vital role in personal and professional development. Strong and effective communication can be a game-changer in achieving goals. The good thing is we can improve our communication skills by adopting and practicing different techniques and strategies. It is important to understand that improving communication is a continuous process and requires patience and dedication to see the results.  




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