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Procrastination, Tips and Strategies to Overcome

by Talat Ali Shah
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Procrastination, Tips and Strategies to Overcome

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is delaying, postponing, or avoiding tasks, decisions, or actions that need to be done. It is a complex behavior that can be driven by a variety of thoughts and habits, and almost everyone has experienced it at some point in their lives. Whether it’s putting off a difficult task, delaying a decision, or simply avoiding responsibilities, procrastination can be a major roadblock to productivity, progress, and success. 

The psychology behind procrastination is complex and can vary from person to person. Procrastination can be influenced by both internal and external factors as well as situational factors. Understanding the psychology behind procrastination can help individuals recognize the root causes of their procrastination and develop strategies to overcome it. By recognizing the underlying factors, individuals can take steps to address them and become more productive and successful in their lives.  

Reasons: Why do people procrastinate?

Although the underlying reasons for procrastination can vary from person to person, thus several common factors contribute to this behaviour. The following are some of the most common ones: 

  1. Overwhelmed or unprepared: Procrastination can result from feeling overwhelmed or unprepared. When there are too many tasks to complete, or a task seems too complicated or time-consuming, it can be challenging to know where to start. This can result in procrastination to avoid the task altogether.  
  2. Lack of self-regulation: Procrastination can often be linked to poor time management skills and lack of self-regulation. When individuals struggle with self-control and time management, prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines can become challenging, leading to procrastination. Poor time management can also lead to confusion about which tasks to prioritize and when, which can further exacerbate the problem of procrastination.
  3. Lack of motivation or interest: Procrastination can result from a lack of motivation or interest in a task. If individuals do not find a task engaging or enjoyable, they may procrastinate by doing something more interesting or fun. Finding the motivation to begin or complete an uninteresting, complicated, or unenjoyable task can take time and effort. 
  4. Fear of failure: Procrastination can help individuals avoid their fear of failure or success. By delaying a task, they can avoid the possibility of not succeeding or the pressure that comes with success. Fear of failure is a common cause of procrastination, as individuals may put off a task out of fear of being criticized, judged, or not succeeding. 
  5. Perfectionism: People who strive for perfection often delay doing the task because they want to ensure they do it perfectly. The idea of making a mistake or not being able to meet their own high standards can be scary and prevent them from starting the task. Therefore, procrastination can result from the desire to achieve perfection. 
  6. Low self-confidence: Individuals with low self-confidence may procrastinate when they perceive a task as challenging or difficult, as they doubt their ability to complete it and fear the negative consequences of failure. Low self-confidence can make it difficult to prioritize tasks or make decisions, leading to delayed action or avoiding the task altogether. 

Negative effects of procrastination 

Procrastination can have many negative effects on a person’s well-being and productivity. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Increased stress and anxiety: Procrastination can lead to a sense of pressure and urgency as deadlines are near their due date, causing stress and anxiety. 
  • Reduced productivity: When tasks are postponed, they may pile up and become overwhelming, reducing productivity and output. 
  • Missed opportunities: Procrastination can cause a person to miss out on opportunities or experiences that could have been beneficial or rewarding. 
  • Poor quality of work: When tasks are rushed or completed at the last minute, the quality of work may suffer. 
  • Negative impact on relationships: Procrastination can strain relationships with coworkers, friends, and family members, as they may be affected by delayed actions or decisions. 
  •  Health problems: Chronic procrastination can lead to a host of physical and mental health problems, such as insomnia, depression, and digestive issues. 
  • Regret and guilt: Procrastination can lead to feelings of regret and guilt, especially when opportunities are missed or deadlines are not met. 

By recognizing the negative effects of procrastination, we can take steps to address the habit and become more productive, focused, and successful in our lives. 

How to overcome procrastination, effective strategies:

There are several reasons why people procrastinate, but fortunately, there are also many effective strategies and psychological tips to help you tackle the habit of procrastination:Procrastination

  1. Identify and eliminate distractions: Distractions can be a significant barrier to productivity. Eliminating distractions can help you stay focused and productive, especially when you’re doing a task requiring concentration. Distractions can come in many forms, such as social media notifications, emails, phone calls, or even people walking by. Identifying the things that distract you is the first step to eliminating them. Once you know your distractions, you can create a plan to avoid or reduce them. For example, you can turn off your phone or put it on silent mode during work hours or use website blockers to prevent access to distracting websites. By eliminating distractions, you can create an environment conducive to productivity and focus. In this way, you can stay on task and avoid procrastination.
  2. Don’t wait for the right moment to start: Procrastination can often be driven by believing that the timing isn’t right for a task or goal. However, the reality is that there may never be a “perfect” time to start, and waiting for one can lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. Start where you are, with what you have, and do what you can. Every moment is an opportunity to begin. Your future is created by the actions you take today, not tomorrow. And time doesn’t wait for anyone, so take advantage of today. By acknowledging that today is the only time we have, we can develop a sense of urgency and take action toward our goals. This mindset shift can help us overcome procrastination and seize the present moment rather than constantly delaying and putting off important tasks. 
  3. Set SMART Goals: It is a proven technique to help overcome procrastination and increase productivity. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Creating goals that meet these criteria allows you to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Doing so makes the task seem less daunting and helps you stay focused and motivated. Achieving each small goal along the way provides a sense of accomplishment and progress toward the larger goal. SMART goals are an effective tool that can be used in personal and professional settings to enhance productivity and overcome procrastination,
  4. Use Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro Technique is a widely used time management method that can help individuals stay focused and productive. It involves working for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break before resuming work again. This cycle is repeated several times; after four cycles, individuals take a more extended break. Breaking work into small, manageable chunks helps individuals maintain their focus, avoid burnout, and improve productivity. Additionally, this technique can help individuals stay on track by providing a clear and structured approach to their work. The Pomodoro Technique is easy to use, and many productivity apps and tools have incorporated it to help individuals manage their time effectively. It is also important to understand that although procrastination is often perceived as a negative habit, but it can be helpful in certain situations. Taking a break from an overwhelming project can allow you to approach it later with a fresh perspective and better understanding. 
  5. Practice self-compassion: Procrastination can often trigger negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and self-blame, which can further increase stress levels and make it even more challenging to overcome the habit. Therefore, practicing self-compassion is an effective way to break this cycle. It involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would to a close friend or loved one. Instead of harshly criticizing yourself for procrastinating, try to be more compassionate towards yourself. Recognize that everyone struggles with procrastination sometimes, which does not define your worth or ability. This positive and supportive self-talk can help you develop a more positive mindset and motivate you to get back on track. 
  6. Use visualization: Visualization is a technique that involves creating a mental image of the task or goal that you want to achieve. You can create a sense of motivation and positive energy by picturing yourself successfully completing the task. Visualization helps to build momentum which is more important than relying solely on motivation. It can make tasks feel more achievable, increasing your confidence and motivation to take consistent steps towards your goal. To use visualization, find a quiet space and take a few minutes to imagine yourself completing the task. Try to engage your senses by imagining what you will see, hear, feel, and smell when the task is completed. This technique can help you to overcome procrastination by creating a sense of excitement and inspiration to take action. 
  7. Positive self-talk: It is a helpful technique to overcome procrastination. Using positive and encouraging language can motivate you to take action. Instead of saying negative statements such as “I can’t do this,” try to use positive statements such as “I can do it” or “I will try my best.” This approach can help you to develop a positive mindset and overcome negative self-talk that can lead to procrastination. By using positive self-talk, you can build confidence in yourself and your ability to accomplish tasks. This can help you take action and progress toward your goals, even when you feel unmotivated or overwhelmed.  
  8. Change your environment: Changing the environment can be a simple yet effective way to overcome procrastination. The physical space you work in can significantly impact your mood and productivity. A noisy or cluttered workspace can be distracting and overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on your tasks. On the other hand, a clean and organized space can help you feel more in control and focused. Consider finding a quiet and comfortable space to work, such as a dedicated home office, a quiet library, or a peaceful park. If you’re working in a noisy environment, consider using noise-cancelling headphones to block distractions. This can help you stay focused on your work and be more productive. 
  9. Create a schedule or to-do list: Creating a schedule, or to-do list is a powerful tool to help you overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. It is a practical way to manage your time and increase productivity. It enables you to stay organized and reduces the chances of forgetting important tasks. By prioritizing and setting deadlines for each task, you can manage your time effectively and ensure that you are on track to meet your goals. It can also help you break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, making them less daunting and easier to approach. Creating a to-do list also provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when you check off completed items. This can help you maintain motivation and focus on achieving your goals. It is also important to focus on building momentum rather than just relying on motivation. By regularly reviewing and updating your to-do list, you can also identify areas where you may need to adjust your schedule or make changes to your approach to ensure that you are moving forward towards accomplishing your objectives.
  10. Find an accountability partner:  Finding an accountability partner can help you stay on track and achieve your goals. An accountability partner shares your goals and checks in with you to ensure that you progress. This person can be a friend, family member, colleague, or even a professional coach. By sharing your goals and progress with an accountability partner, you are more likely to stay motivated and committed to your work. Your accountability partner can also provide support and encouragement when you face obstacles or challenges. They can help you brainstorm solutions, provide feedback on your progress, and hold you accountable for completing your tasks. Having someone to share your successes and failures with can also help you develop a sense of accountability and responsibility toward your work. When choosing an accountability partner, finding someone who is reliable, supportive, and who shares your values and goals is important. Establish clear expectations and communication channels to ensure that your partnership is effective. Having an accountability partner can provide a support system that helps you overcome procrastination and stay committed to achieving your goals.
  11. Seek resources: If you’re struggling with chronic procrastination, several resources are available to help you overcome this obstacle. You can explore books, articles, and online courses that offer practical advice on managing your time effectively and addressing the underlying causes of procrastination. By seeking out these resources and committing to change, you can develop the skills and mindset necessary to become more productive and achieve your goals. Don’t let procrastination hold you back from living a fulfilling and successful life. 
  12. Identify your strengths and weaknesses: We all have weaknesses and strengths, and identifying and understanding them can be especially important. If you’re struggling to overcome procrastination, It can be challenging to pinpoint these areas, but there are several methods to help you get started. Firstly, take an honest look at yourself and recognize your weaknesses. Do you find yourself often delaying tasks until the final moments? Do you have trouble staying organized? Are you easily distracted? Secondly, ask people who know you well, such as family or friends, for their insights. Thirdly, consider taking a personality test to gain more knowledge about yourself. Lastly, keep track of your successes and failures to recognize patterns in your behaviour. Once you have identified your weaknesses and strengths, you can focus on enhancing the areas where you’re weak and utilizing your strengths to tackle procrastination. Seeking guidance from a professional, such as a therapist or counselor, can also be a helpful option for those struggling to make progress. They can help you identify the root cause of your procrastination and develop a plan to overcome it.


Procrastination can have severe consequences, not only on our productivity and mental health but also on our emotional well-being and overall sense of fulfilment. However, you can transform your life and achieve your goals by understanding the reasons behind Procrastination, implementing effective strategies, and making a conscious effort to overcome Procrastination. As the famous saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Take that step today and start building the momentum to achieve your dreams. 

Remember that change takes time, and overcoming procrastination is a process that requires patience, dedication, commitment, and the right mindset. Don’t get discouraged if you slip up or fall back into old habits. Instead, use those moments as opportunities to learn and grow. By persistently making an effort, you can liberate yourself from the grip of procrastination and unleash your true potential. Start your journey today to embrace a more productive, fulfilling, and successful life.

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