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Psychological Ways to Build and Boost Your Self-Confidence

by Talat Ali Shah
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Psychological Ways to Build and Boost Your Self-confidence

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is an internal belief system that allows individuals to have a positive and realistic view of themselves and their abilities. It is a state of mind that gives people the courage to take risks and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

It is the foundation of a positive and fulfilling life. It empowers you to believe in yourself and your abilities and helps you tackle challenges with determination and courage. Without self-confidence, achieving your goals and fulfilling your potential can be challenging.

There are various reasons behind low self-confidence. You can better understand by reading our blog post on “Common Causes of Low Self-Confidence”

Psychological Ways to Build and Boost Your Self-confidence:

Confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Sometimes we may feel insecure and uncertain about ourselves, which can hold us back from reaching our full potential. But the good news is that there are many ways to build and boost self-confidence, and they don’t require any superpowers.

Focus on your strength:

Everyone has unique talents and abilities that make them special. Rather than dwelling on your weaknesses or shortcomings, try to identify what you’re good at and find ways to showcase them. So take some time to reflect on what makes you stand out. You may be a great writer, an exceptional entrepreneur, or an excellent problem solver. Whatever your strengths may be, try to use them. 

When you focus on your strengths, you can develop a sense of mastery and accomplishment. This can be really empowering and help you feel more confident in yourself and your abilities. Instead of getting bogged down by self-doubt, you’ll be able to recognize the things that you do well and feel proud of them. 

Of course, it’s important to recognize and accept your weaknesses too. Nobody is perfect, and it’s okay to make mistakes or have areas where you could improve. But by focusing on your strengths, you can build a more optimistic outlook on life. 

So take some time to think about what you’re good at, and find ways to incorporate those strengths into your daily routine. Whether through work, hobbies, or personal relationships, showcasing your strengths can help you feel more confident and self-assured.

Do Something That Scares You:

One effective way to boost self-confidence is by doing something that scares you. When we face our fears and overcome challenges, we prove to ourselves that we can achieve more than we thought possible. 

If you fear public speaking, taking a course or volunteering for a speaking opportunity can help build confidence. Similarly, if you’re afraid of assertively expressing your needs, standing up for yourself in a situation where you normally stay quiet can help build confidence in your communication skills. Research supports the idea that facing our fears can positively impact self-confidence. 

It’s important to start with small challenges and work up to bigger ones. By gradually pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, we can build confidence in our abilities and achieve more than we thought possible. Remember, the goal is not necessarily to completely conquer our fears but to build confidence by facing them. 

Magic Mirror Technique:

This technique is a powerful psychological tool that can help boost self-confidence. In the mirror technique, you look in the mirror and embody the energy you want to attract through your words, thoughts, and even your body language.

The idea behind this technique is that by seeing and hearing positive statements about yourself, you can shift your subconscious beliefs and improve your self-esteem. 

To practice this technique, stand in front of a mirror and repeat positive affirmations about yourself. For example, you might say  

I am confident and capable. 

I trust in my abilities and decisions. 

I am confident and self-assured. 

I believe in myself and my potential. 

I can achieve my goals. 

I am in control of my thoughts and emotions. 

I am skilled and competent in my work. 

By looking into your own eyes and speaking these affirmations aloud, you reinforce positive beliefs about yourself and increase your self-confidence. 

Studies have shown that the Mirror Technique can effectively improve self-esteem and confidence. In one study, participants who practiced the technique for just a few minutes a day for several weeks reported significant increases in self-esteem and feelings of positivity. Another study found that the technique can even have physical effects, such as lowering cortisol levels (a stress hormone) and increasing serotonin levels (a mood-boosting neurotransmitter). 

It’s important to note that the Mirror Technique is not a quick fix, and it may take time and consistent practice to see results. However, incorporating this technique into your daily routine can be a valuable tool in improving your self-confidence and overall well-being. 

Practice Power Posing:

This technique involves standing in a confident posture to increase feelings of power and reduce stress hormone levels. Here are some examples of how you can practice power posing: 

Before a job interview: Take a few minutes to stand in a powerful pose, such as the “Wonder Woman” pose, in the restroom before your interview. It can help you feel more confident and assertive during the interview. 

Before a presentation: Stand in a power pose for a few minutes before going on stage. This can help calm your nerves and increase your confidence. 

During a stressful situation: If you find yourself in a stressful or anxiety-inducing situation, take a few minutes to practice power posing. This can help reduce your stress hormone levels and increase feelings of power and control. 

Research has shown that power posing can have real-world implications for building confidence and making positive behavioral choices. A study found that power posing can lead to increases in testosterone, decreases in cortisol, and increased risk tolerance and feelings of power. These psychological and physiological changes can have a significant impact on behavior. 


It is a powerful tool that can help build and boost self-confidence. By creating vivid mental images of yourself succeeding in a particular task or achieving a specific goal, you can increase your belief in your abilities and improve your performance.

Visualization can also help you overcome self-doubt and anxiety by providing a sense of control and mastery over your thoughts and emotions. For example, if you have a job interview coming up, you can visualize yourself answering questions confidently and articulately and leaving a great impression on the interviewer.

To practice visualization, find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and create a mental image of yourself succeeding in your chosen scenario. Use all your senses to make the image as vivid and real as possible. Imagine the sounds, smells, and sensations you would experience if you were there.

It’s important to focus on positive outcomes and feelings while you visualize. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, imagine everything going right and feel proud of yourself. For example, if you’re visualizing yourself giving a successful presentation, focus on the positive feelings of accomplishment and recognition that come from delivering a great talk rather than worrying about forgetting your lines or messing up.

The more you practice visualization, the more effective it becomes. Over time, you’ll believe in your ability to succeed, and your self-confidence will grow. Try to practice visualization for a few minutes each day, particularly before a challenging situation.

Fake It Till You Make It:

It is another technique that can help boost self-confidence. This technique involves acting as if you are confident, even if you don’t feel that way. By taking on the behaviors and attitudes of a confident person, you can begin to feel more confident and eventually become more confident. 

For example, if you have a job interview and feel nervous, you can try “faking it till you make it” by acting as if you are confident and capable. This could include sitting up straight, making eye contact, speaking clearly and confidently, and maintaining a positive attitude. 

Studies have shown that the “fake it till you make it” technique can effectively boost self-confidence. In one study, participants were asked to sit in either a confident posture (sitting up straight and smiling) or a powerless posture (slouching and frowning) during a mock job interview. Those who sat in a confident posture were perceived as more confident and were more likely to be hired. This suggests that by projecting confidence, even if you don’t feel it, you can improve how others perceive you and how you feel about yourself. 

Celebrate Your Accomplishments: 

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about your progress, but taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements can help you build a stronger sense of self-worth and self-esteem. 

Here are a few examples of how you can celebrate your accomplishments: 

Write them down: Keeping a journal or a list of accomplishments can be a great way to reflect on your progress and build self-confidence. Make a habit of writing down your accomplishments, big and small, and revisit the list whenever you need a confidence boost. 

Treat yourself: When you accomplish something you’re proud of, treat yourself to something special. This could be something as simple as a nice dinner out , enjoying a relaxing afternoon, indulging in your favorite hobby, Or treating yourself to an adventure or activity that you’ve been longing to experience, even if it means spending a bit more than usual. The important thing is to recognize your achievement and reward yourself for your hard work.

Share with others: Your accomplishments can help you feel validated and proud of your progress. It can be as simple as telling a friend or family member about your accomplishments, posting them on social media, or simply reflecting on them with a colleague. 

Take time to reflect: It’s important to reflect on your accomplishments and what they mean to you. What did you learn? What challenges did you overcome? How did you grow as a person? By taking time to reflect on your accomplishments, you can build your self-confidence and set new goals for the future. 

Remember, celebrating your accomplishments is not about being boastful or arrogant. It’s about recognizing your hard work and progress and building self-confidence for future challenges. By acknowledging and celebrating your achievements, you can build a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem that will help you navigate the ups and downs of life with greater resilience and confidence.

Take Risks:

Taking risks can be scary, but it’s also an important part of building self-confidence. When you’re willing to take risks, you’re showing yourself that you can handle new challenges and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. 

Of course, taking risks doesn’t mean being reckless or putting yourself in danger. It means being willing to try new things and take on new opportunities, even if they’re a little bit scary. Here are a few examples of how taking risks can help you build self-confidence: 

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to start your own business but are worried about the risks involved. Maybe you’re afraid of failing or losing money. But if you take the plunge and start your own business, you’ll show yourself that you can take on big challenges and handle the unknown. Even if things don’t go as planned, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and your abilities. 

Perhaps you’ve wanted to learn a new skill, but you’re worried about looking foolish or not being good enough. But if you sign up for that art class or language course, you’ll be putting yourself in a position to learn and grow. Even if you struggle at first, you’ll be showing yourself that you can learn new things and adapt to new situations. 

Maybe you’ve been in a rut at work, feeling unfulfilled and stuck. But if you take the risk of applying for a new job or asking for a promotion, you’ll show yourself that you can take control of your career and push yourself to the next level. 

The key is to take calculated risks that challenge you without overwhelming you. By doing so, you’ll start to build a sense of self-confidence and belief in your abilities. Taking risks can be scary, but it’s also an important part of growth and self-discovery. 

Embrace Your Uniqueness: 

It is another powerful way to build self-confidence and feel good about yourself. Here are a few ways you can do that: 

Celebrate your quirks: Rather than conforming to other people’s expectations or ideas of what’s “normal,” embrace the things that make you unique. Be proud of what makes you different, whether it’s your sense of humor, style, or interests. 

Stop comparing yourself to others: It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, but this can be a major drain on our self-confidence. Instead, focus on your journey and your progress. Celebrate your successes and use them to motivate yourself to keep growing. 

Practice self-acceptance: Accepting yourself for who you are, flaws and all, is key to building self-confidence. This means being kind to yourself, forgiving yourself when you make mistakes, and treating yourself with compassion and empathy. 

Seek out like-minded people: Connecting with others who share your interests and values can be a great way to boost your self-confidence and feel more accepted. Look for groups or communities that align with your passions, and don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with others. 

Remember, being unique is a gift to celebrate rather than be feared or rejected. By accepting and loving yourself for who you are, you’ll feel more confident and comfortable. 

Some additional tips to build and boost self-confidence

  • Staying connected with positive and supportive people can help boost your self-esteem and reduce feelings of self-doubt.
  • Dressing appropriately for the occasion and in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident can boost your self-image.
  • Practicing good hygiene, such as maintaining a clean appearance and fresh breath, can help you feel more comfortable and confident in social situations.
  • Being mindful of your body language and tone of voice when communicating with others can help you appear more confident and assertive.
  •  Helping others can also boost your self-esteem and build self-confidence. Volunteer your time, offer to help a friend, or simply offer a kind word to someone in need.


Building and boosting your self-confidence is vital to living a happy and fulfilling life. With determination and persistence, you can overcome self-doubt and become more confident, resilient, and self-assured.

Further Recommendation:

“The Self-Confidence Workbook” by Barbara Markway (Author), Celia Ampel (Author), Teresa Flynn PhD (Foreword)
A standout guide offering science-backed strategies and compassionate advice, this workbook is a must-have for individuals seeking to cultivate lasting self-confidence and personal growth.

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